Ok, I'm guessing you have figured this out by now but I hate being sick! At least I have theknot forums, etsy, and my new favorite artbeads.com to keep me company. I would say I have my cocoa puffs too but they don't seem to agree with my cold sooo they have abandoned me. ): However, on the online shopping end I have at least accomplished a few clicks and placed a few orders. I have been trying to find one of those dag-gone swarovski filigree flowers for my bracelet and for the first time I have found them not to be sold out! YAY! And I found one with purple accents! More YAY! So as fast as I could click I got that, the crimp covers, and the 3 strand clasp ordered. Spent $17 total vs. buying one of etsy (as pretty as they were) for $50+. Plus I am sure I will love something I actually made more anyways... unless this project treats me as the hot glue gun often does.... Well for me, I am off to nap and try to eat something. Who knows maybe I'll accomplish something productive after a little rest!

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